St. Paul's UMC You Are Welcome Here!

You Are Welcome Here!

Thank You for visiting our church. We hope you found worship to be meaningful.

Please follow us on social media to keep up on latest information and events at the church. Facebook

We also have a podcast that currently is the sermon and scripture from our Sunday Service: Podbean, Google Podcast, Apple Podcast

You can view past online services on our YouTube channel at

We are part of a 5 church parish which includes St. Paul’s UMC of Tiffin, Trinity UMC in Republic Ohio, Melore UMC in Melmore Ohio, Sycamore UMC in Sycamore Ohio and Faith UMC in Tiffin Ohio.

We are also part of the East Ohio Conference of the United Methodist Church. To find more information about the Methodist church, please visit

Feel free to use the menu at the top of the page to continue to explore our website. And please fill out the connection card at the bottom of this page:

Here are parking locations off of Monroe street:

And here are the entry locations for the church. The Ramp and Main Entrance are off of Madison Street.

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